Crystal Shards

Kinetic installation bending space and light through shifting aluminum columns.

Research Project Developed at INDEXLAB


2018 (project only)


Architectural design
Computational modeling
IxD (Interaction design)
Electronic architecture development

Project Details

Composed by eleven uniquely sculptural columns
Independently controllable motors for fluid and precise motion
Interactive sensors integrated in the pedestal

Project Description

Crystal Shards is an interactive and immersive installation that alters the visitors perception of space by generating an intricate series of mirrored reflections. Each of the 11 sculptural columns is the result of the extreme craftsmanship of talented artisans blended with advanced computational tools. Each column is composed of 6 levels CNC machined aluminum, for a total of 66 triangular strips that are then manually bent in place and glued to obtain seamless finishes.
Illustration of how the Crystal Shards installation reacts to the visitors input adjusting its position.

Interaction System

Eleven linear actuators allow each column to drift forward and backwards independently based on the amount of visitors that are engaging with the installation. The constant pulse of the kinetic installation can be controlled from six highlighted floor tiles through which each visitor can influence the overall shape of the installation. The result is a continuously shifting sculpture, dynamically adapting to its surroundings.